90后 L爱o情v是e他 交友Party (May 11)
Weather is so so,
mood is so so
But are you friendly?
[backcolor=#ff00cc]let's rock and roll!
80后 is already Histooory !
let's get together
for a social gathering,
party at the day after tommorrow
would you like to come?
feel free to invite all of your friends to come together.
it's a good party environment, I promise
费用低于3$.详情请来参加11号的Ch交ur友ch P[size=3]查[/size]A经RT[size=2]班[/size]Y! 时间两个多小时,不满意可以随时离开.
地点: [url]http://maps.google.ca/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=211881065664094925982.0004a2bec0644277ca014&ll=49.262076[/url],-123.03437&spn=0.009214,0.027595&z=15
(他 = J.C, J.C. loves you and He has died for you, hear the love of THE Living Him for you in the following video at Utube)